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Weatherization & Critical Home Repair
The Weatherization and Critical Home Repair Program is a program that expands on Habitat’s traditional homeownership model to provide critical home repair, weatherization and façade improvement services to low income homeowners in the Lynmore Estates Communtiy. Like Habitat’s traditional homeownership model, the Weatherization & Critical Home Repair Program combines a no-interest construction loan, homeowner participation (sweat equity) and volunteer labor to provide affordable housing solutions to low income families.
The Weatherization and Home Repair Program contains many components of our Homeownership Program model. This includes low- or no-interest loans or soft second mortgages. Homeowner participation is required and selection is based on need. Macon Area Habitat Weatherization & Home Repair Program is still very new, and only being offered to homeowners located in the Lynmore Estates neighborhood.
Click to download the Weatherization and Critical Home Repair Application.
Learn more about our Homeownership Program and Home Repair Programs.