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Habitat for Humanity- Kenya

Macon Area Habitat for Humanity Tithe Partner

Macon Area Habitat for Humanity currently tithes to support a new home built at its Habitat for Humanity Kenya affiliate.


Habitat for Humanity Kenya (HFHK) began building houses in Kenya in 1982. Since that time, HFHK has built over 2,900 homes in partnership with families in need through over 70 local community groups in seven regions: Bomet, Bungoma, Kisii, Machakos, Maua, Naivasha, and Runyenjes.

HFHK houses have concrete foundations and floors, durable walls (made of locally produced brick, stone, rammed earth or stabilized soil block), and corrugated galvanized iron roofs. The average size is approximately 34 sq. meters. HFHK continues to investigate new building methods, in order to keep building costs as low as possible. The growing program has already enabled thousands of families in western and central Kenya to obtain their own simple decent, permanent home, improving their living conditions and health.


The ultimate goal of Habitat for Humanity® is to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the face of the earth by building adequate and basic housing. Furthermore, all our words and actions are for the ultimate purpose of putting shelter on the hearts and minds of people in such a powerful way that poverty housing and homelessness become socially, politically and religiously unacceptable in our nations and world.  Through our Tithe program, Habitat partners are not only eliminating poverty housing from their own communities but also eliminating poverty housing in communities around the world.

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