Make your community a place where everyone has access to a simple, decent, and affordable place to live, help Macon Area Habitat today. Volunteers are the hands, hearts, and voices for our cause of affordable housing and there are many ways to contribute!
Whether you are able to contribute to the work of Habitat financially or you are able to give time and a little hard work, we appreciate your support. Your involvement with Macon Area Habitat for Humanity is your making a commitment to your community. You are joining us in ministry and we are very thankful for your help. Choose an area that best suits your ability and interests.
Construction Volunteering: Work on a team with our skilled construction staff during one of the many phases of building a Habitat home. (Must be 16 and over)
ReStore Volunteering: Help at our non-profit building supply/interior design storefront! Assist with collecting, organizing, and pricing donated items; staffing the sales floor, and updating our space. All profits go towards future Habitat homes.
Office Volunteering: Filing, data entry, and general clerical support to staff. Possible if of interest: Grant writing, campaign support, donation thank you letters & invoices. Help with special events: Light More Homes Christmas Light Show, Home Court, Women Build, and more. Help recruit, organize, track and track volunteer activities.
Schedule a Team Volunteering Day: Bring out members of your corporation, class, house of worship, or organization to volunteer with us on our construction sites or at our ReStore.
Join a Committee: Bring your expertise, connections, and passion to one of the various committees that plan and maintain Habitat’s programs.
Volunteer in our office: Help with data entry, special events, and general office work.
Be part of our Neighborhood Revitalization: Help with a clean-up in Lymore Estates or a number of other special events.
We are always looking for volunteers who become repeat helpers and who are interested in becoming a Team Leader within a certain aspect of our ministry. Examples are construction, landscaping, special event, shed making, homeowner training, and ReStore support to name a few ministry areas.
Community Service Volunteer
We do accept volunteers with Community Service requirements. If you will need a letter certifying your Community Service hours, please notify us before you start your hours. For court-ordered community service, only DUI and traffic violations are permitted. You'll be responsible for showing proof of charge before you volunteer.
If interested in volunteering a regular set of weekly or monthly hours at our ReStore or help build/rehab a home on a construction site, please contact Ivey Hall at
478-745-0630 x 303 or by email at ihall@maconhabitat.org.
Please view the following video to learn more about Habitat for Humanity.